Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay about The Dome of the Rock - 2341 Words

Essentially unchanged for more than thirteen centuries, the Dome of the Rock remains one of the worlds most beautiful and enduring architectural treasures. Adorned with its magnificent gold dome and elaborate quranic inscriptions, the structure intimately represents the worlds second largest religion in a city historically associated with the three Semitic faiths. Representation, however, is not the only effect of this site. Despite its intended purpose, the Dome of the Rock inherently stands as the focal center of a millennium-old religious controversy. Located on what is essentially the worlds holiest site (obviously a speculative assertion) and inscribed with proclamations of Islamic religious superiority, the Dome symbolizes far†¦show more content†¦Cyril Glasse discusses such in her work: In the case of the Dome of the Rock, the symbolism of its Quranic forms echoes the significance of the Temple Mount as the site of the Temple of Solomon. It is the culmination of the revelations of Moses and Jesus in the restoration of the primordial Abrahamic unity which is IslamÂ…the calligraphic inscriptions recall the relationship between Jerusalem and Jesus, and the apocalypse to come. In addition to the structures architectural composition, elaborate Quranic inscriptions further elaborate this message of religious superiority. Carole Hillenbrand alludes to such: The Dome of the Rock, which had been built in 72/691 as a triumphant statement of the superiority of Islam over other faiths, especially Christianity, displays a careful selection of Quranic inscriptions which tilt at the Trinity and the Incarnation. Islams uncompromising monotheism is emphasized in a long band of inscriptions measuring around 240 metres in length: the message is unambiguous: ‘There is no god but the One God and He has no partner. Artfully constructed and etched in Quranic verse, the Dome sits upon its ominous perch and serves as the center of Jerusalem. Regardless of ones religious or political slant, the sheer magnificence of the building cannot be ignored Ââ€" nor can its intrinsic message. From an uninfluenced perspective, one cannot help but observe the Dome as an attempt toShow MoreRelatedThe Dome Of The Rock1999 Words   |  8 Pages The Dome of the Rock (688-92) is a building project which demonstrates a particular way of achieving uniqueness in architecture. Architectural uniqueness can be established by introducing the same building form and materials in a slightly different way, complimenting its surrounding. Again, this uniqueness can be achieved by having a completely different building vocabulary, contrasting with its surroundings. In this context, this essay will investigate what type of architectural uniqueness theRead MoreThe Dome Of The Rock1278 Words   |  6 Pagesbeautiful gilt dome decorating the skyline of Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock is the oldest and most famous Islamic building on the Temple Mount. 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