Friday, December 6, 2019

Business Skills

Question: 1. Comparison of the two styles of given newspaper articles.2. Essay on Myth: Global warming, environmental racism. Answer: 1. Comparison of the two styles of given newspaper articles: The objective of this task is to take into account two separate newspaper articles and evaluate the approach assumed by the writers. The motivation for such articles and examine which of these articles have been successful in providing a more balanced and fairer view of the Calais Jungle situation. Taking into perspective the Article 1 titled The most shocking thing about Calais is that its not even too big to solve by Yvette Cooper, it is visible that the author is personally involved to resolve the current situation, as it exists in Calais Jungle. The narrative approach followed by the author vividly describes the existing condition of the refugees currently camped in the area (Alaux, 2015). Furthermore, since the writer is involved in some form or other, to help bring focus to the issues. The article is focused more on highlighting the issues and underlines a demanding tone to seek resolution and actions from the French and British Governments. Diverting attention to Article 2 ti tled How Calais' 'jungle' migrant camp has now become a mini city - complete with restaurants, a theatre, book shops and free wifi by Josh White, the approach and the underpinning objective of the writer is contrary to that observed in the Article 1. While article 1 was vivid, graphic and seemed very personal, Article 2 is articulate, distant and analytical. Article 1 focused on the issues due to lack of action and often the writer would demand affirmative action from the Governments or a course of action that would indicate intent on the Governments behalf. If the writing style of the writers are compared it is evident that while article 1 is informal, emotive and simplistic in nature, article 2 is more formal. It is reportive and identifies the complex nature of human beings, instead of assigning black and white colours to the sides involved. The writer in article 1 would seem content by citing the various prior incidents in which British and French Government had successfully collaborated together to solve immigration issues (Hanappe, 2015). Even though, the writer acknowledges, that there might be elements that are different in previous occasions and the current situation. The writer fails to bring such consideration into perspective while reporting on Calais Jungle. The intent of the first article seems to drive action from both the Governments - though primarily the British Government is targeted, involved as well as the United Nations. However, it should also be acknowledged that the writer does consider in latter parts of the art icle. Solving immigration issues might not be as simplistic as made out to be since, Calais is situated in France and British interjection might only lead migrants to gather there in greater numbers. In the second article, the writer focuses on narrating the incidents in particular journalistic manner, depicting the existential situation, without making way for sentiments. Another contradictory aspect of the second article, is that instead of focusing on the issues as a resultant outcome due to lack of Government action, it proposes and highlights the legal and humanitarian issues. This issues caused by people that have migrated and gathered in Calais from various countries. The writer, in this case, has chosen to delve in the existing lifestyle, culture, routine and residential styles adopted by the refugees camped in Calais Jungle. Contrary to the writer in Article 1, in article 2, the writer is motivated by the increase in illegal immigration issues which is found abundant in the Calais Jungle settlement. The writer highlights the schedule and the method of operations for the trafficking gangs that look to insert refugees into Britain. Since Calais is situated near the English Channel, it has been a practice in the past to make way to Britain by crossing the English Channel (, 2016). Though previously, strategies and actions undertaken by the British and French Government had been successful in drastically reducing illegal immigration, current refugee crisis has averted those actions. The writer intends to create an awareness regarding the existent situation and reports on every aspect of the daily lives and how they have come to be. In the opinion of Duffin (2015), upon detailed inspection of the information presented by writers, the narrative style and the intent that comes across it has been identified that the writer of the second article provides a more balanced and fair view of the current situation. Such conclusion can be drawn due the balanced arguments and facts that the writer of the second article has stated wherein the human spirit of survival as well as the negative aspects of immigration has also been succinctly identified (, 2016). 2. Essay on Myth: Global warming, environmental racism Introduction: According to recent figures by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, there are about 17.7 million adults who suffer from asthma, while about 6.3 million children, below the age of 18 suffer from this disease (, 2016). Keeping in perspective the information detailed in the article Myth: Global warming, environmental racism, environment activists are of the opinion that the ozone pollution is one of the important factors for asthma. Taking a look at the definition put forth by the Mayo Clinic, asthma has been symptomized by narrowing of the trachea, swelling, and shortness of breath. There are various levels of asthma suffering, where one can be affected only by rare and select allergens, with easily handled symptoms, while in other cases, it can be life-threatening. The main factors that have been scientifically identified by the Mayo Clinic for asthma range from heredity, tobacco smoking, obesity and exposure to industrial chemicals. According to Budzianowsk i (2011), has been identified by historical analysis that cases of asthma is on the rise in US. However, when the levels of ozone pollution is taken into consideration, it has been observed that through strict policing of environmental and manufacturing norms, harmful emissions and ozone pollution is on a downward trend. In consideration of such facts, the depiction of environmentalists claim that ozone pollution causes asthma is found to be without bias and hence cannot be supported. This essay will argue that ozone pollutions do not have any incremental effect on asthma conditions or occurrence and that global warming has been hoisted as a flagship issue with US being the focus of environmental racism. Body: While activists are continuously targeting businesses in the US to reduce manufacturing, cease production of certain goods and creating delays with rallies and legal suits. The various initiatives that have been undertaken since the inception of the Environment Protection Agency during the Nixon Administration have been forgotten. The current practices undertaken by businesses involve the E3 policy (Economy, Energy and Environment), Lean Manufacturing and Superfund and Green Remediation among many more (, 2016). As a result, there has been a significant drop in the ozone pollution, environment groups continue to pose problems for the economic growth in the country. Despite of the reduced emissions from factories, electronics appliances and cars, environmental activists seem to think there has been inadequate response to reducing the carbon footprint. According to Smith (2014), continued blockage of business practices, which leads to less employment opportunities and decrea sed GDP growth of the economy. Environment activists argue that the impact of air pollution and ozone pollution are creating a more conducive atmosphere for asthma. On the contrary, the relationship between decreasing levels of ozone pollution and increasing levels of asthma patients seem to indicate otherwise. Furthermore, as indicated by Sarkany et al. (2016), asthma is majorly caused by exposure to allergens, chemical fumes, and can also be hereditary in nature. As such, such factors are hardly caused by the increase in environmental pollution or increase in ozone pollution (Weaver, 2011). Extended restraint on businesses over use of materials, specific manufacturing processes and production of specific goods, as a cause for environmental protection can only succeed in weakening the economy and the ability to ensure stability in the country and surrounding regions. In comparison, other countries like China, India and Russia, continue to be greatest contributor to global pollution (Naik, 2007). While there are significantly less practices in such countries despite their major contribution to ozone pollutants, environmental activists have overlooked such issues and continue to target US. Such practice has given birth to what is now being described as environmental racism, where greater focus and restraint is being practiced on selective economies. In stark contrast, activists, and even Senator Kelly has asked to exhibit control over the carbon footprint in African countries, where production value and size are significantly less as compared to production value of China, India or Russia (Chung et al. 2012). Conclusion: In conclusion, it has been established that ozone pollution is not as significantly linked to asthma occurrence as has been suggested by environmental groups. As a result, the hue and cry strategy practiced by these groups has only led to selectively focussing restraining efforts on the US businesses, which makes case for environmental racism. In support of the views expressed by the writer in the article, it is best to focus holistically on all economic participants to exercise green practices to reduce environmental pollution, instead of focussing on one economy. References: Alaux, J.-P.(2015) Calais vautbienquelques requiem, Pleindroit, 104(1), pp. 3-8.Budzianowski, W.M. (2011) Time delay of global warming, International Journal of Global Warming, 3(3), pp. 289295.CDC (2016)Asthma. Available at: [Accessed: 18 March 2016].Chung, M.C., Rudd, H. and Wall, N. (2012) Posttraumatic stress disorder following asthma attack (post-asthma attack PTSD) and psychiatric co-morbidity: The impact of alexithymia and coping, Psychiatry Research, 197(3), pp. 246252. Cooper, Y., 2016. The most shocking thing about Calais is that its not even too big to solve. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 January 2016]. Duffin, C. (2015) Calais migrant camp conditions are desperate, says nurse volunteer, Nursing Standard, 29(50), pp. 99. EPA, U. and OSEM (2015)Sustainable practices innovation. Available at: [Accessed: 18 March 2016]. Hanappe, C. (2015) Calais, un autredevenirville, Multitudes, 61(4), pp. 15-20 Naik, G., (2007) Global Warming May Be Spurring Allergy, Asthma; Dr.Ziska's Ragweed Loves Carbon Dioxide; Toxic Pollen in Cities? Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition[New York, N.Y]. p.A.1 Sarkany, Z., Sarkany, K. and Horvath, A. (2016) Investigating the possibility to Individualize asthma attack therapy based on attack severity and patient characteristics, ActaMedicaMarisiensis, 62(1), pp. 4448. Schmid, L. (2014) Position. Leons de Calais, Esprit, Decmbr 26(12), pp. 9-15 Smith, H.J. (2014) Deep-sea warming slows down global warming, Science, 345(6199), pp. 886887. Weaver, A., (2011), Generation Us The Challenge ofGlobalWarming,Victoria : Orca Book Publishers 2011 White, J., 2015. How Calais' 'jungle' migrant camp has now become a mini city - complete with restaurants, a theatre, book shops and free wifi. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 January 2015].

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